NOVEMBER 16, 2020; 9.00-09.40 AM CET

Sales Science-led Growth: Karina and Bert

In 40 minutes, you will be guided through the newest sales research from across the globe. Our 2 sales researchers will make sure you are up to date on the most effective ways to grow your sales and stay ahead of your competition.

Free online event

Facilitated discussions

The session is a facilitated discussion between participants and researchers. To take full advantage of the session, we will give you the insight materials before, so you can start well prepared. The insights will include videos, one-pagers and points for discussions.

Better together

You will have the option of joining the closed linkedin-group with other participants and relevant researchers. You will also have access to new sales research from current and previous sessions.

The facilitators - two of Europe's shooting stars within sales research

Karina Burgdorff Jensen is a Ph.D. Student at Aalborg University Business School and Bert Paesbrugghe, Ph.D. is a Professor at IESEG School of Management in Paris. 

Karina and Bert will guide you through the newest sales research from across the globe, to make sure, that you are always up-to-date and informed about the latest in sales research and will take you through, what you need to know, in order to grow your sales smarter and faster. 

Bert Paesbrugghe

Karina Burgdorff Jensen

Grow your sales and stay ahead of your competition

Why attend?

Get new knowledge and access to new theory 

Learn how to adapt theory to practice 

Network with sales practitioners and researchers globally


09.00 Welcome and introduction to the topic

09.10 Questions and discussions (Facilitated)

09.30 Wrap up and next session short presentation